The Law Development Centre (LDC) has dismissed two employees, Everest Turyahikayo and Mary Nakigozi, for corruption and sexual abuse.

Turyahikayo, the academic registrar, was found guilty of sexually abusing female students at the institution, according to a report by the appointment committee.

He was terminated under section 8.2.4(e) of the LDC standing orders for unethical and unprofessional behavior.

Nakigozi, Turyahikayo's deputy, was accused of exchanging student marks for money and found guilty of gross misconduct under Order 8.1.3 of the LDC standing orders for the unprofessional processing of examination results.

She resigned prior to the notice.

This news comes shortly after a Makerere University lecturer was suspended for the assault of two students, and the university's vice chancellor was placed under investigation for abuse of office.