Controversial singer Winnie Nwagi staged a great performance last night at Club Amnesia as she officially premiered two brand new videos for her latest songs, Magic, and Kibulamu.

Download Magic - Winnie Nwagi

The singer arrived past midnight in a company of Swangz Avenue singers, Zulanda, Black Skin among other upcoming singers amidst cheers from Nwagicians who came to sympathize with her following the leak of her Ugly Campus Photos who had turned up in big numbers to witness the video premiere.

Also Read: Someone Just Exposed Winnie Nwagi . . . He Claims She Gives Sex For Money!

While performing, Winnie informed their haters to hate them more since she is still bringing up more good music.

"Everyone has a past can't deny mine but I have moved on, some people used to do brick laying but are now wealthy so i was a pregnant, faded but i managed to make it here".

The Musawo singer later premiered two videos for her songs: Magic, and Kibulamu before she got off stage but the deejays of the night kept playing their music, from their old songs to the latest ones, till morning.

Download Kibulamu - Winnie Nwagi