Zuena Could Have A Sex tape or Nude Photos Leaked!!- Mary Luswata

Is he afraid because his pictures will leak, or is it Zuena she is fearing for. You never know Zuena could have a sex tape or nude photos

Zuena Could Have A Sex tape or Nude Photos Leaked!!- Mary Luswata
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The grudge between gossip queen Luswata and Bebe Cool won’t get squashed sooner than we anticipated why? ML seems to have come for the bearded Rasta.

Bebe Cool who often gets so controversial in that most especially when he is confronted,  seems to have learnt how to deal with Mary Luwasta  who can’t help but confront Bebe every time he makes his controversial statements. Mary Luswata yesterday went to the show and seemed to again to insult Big Size by tagging him the king of Nonsense…

As quoted from scoop on scoop:

She started,

Following the leaking of the Desire Luzinda nudies to the public, most people have gone on Social Media to air out their views about the nudies. One person that you’d expect to throw in a comment about the nudies would be Bebe Cool, well, because he always has an opinion about anything that rocks the Ugandan social Media space. But this time, he decided to keep quiet about the leaked nudies, a thing that left gossip queen Mary Luswata puzzled.

“How come Bebe Cool has not yet said anything about Desire Luzinda’s nude pictures two weeks and counting?” the motor mouthed presenter quizzed on her show – Scoop on Scoop – last night.

Mary Continued:

Bebe Cool is afraid to talk about nude photos because either his own nudies may leak if he opens his mouth or his wife Zuena’s pictures could end up on the front page.

“Is he afraid because his pictures will leak, or is it Zuena she is fearing for. You never know Zuena could have a sex tape or nude photos and the moment he opens his mouth, someone will leak them,”

“I find it strange.” Mary resolved.

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