Virginity Gone: Model Katrina Nilzero Loses Her Precious Seal Again!

Leila Kayondo's sister, Katrina Nilzero, Leave Nothing to the imagination in A Sports Bikini

Virginity Gone: Model Katrina Nilzero Loses Her Precious Seal Again!
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Many theorists believe when a lady rides a bicycle, climbs a tree or does any activity of sorts, such a female many times loses or damages her virginity. And in the same faith, we believe Katrina has not survived this tragedy!

Well, Model Katrina has lost her virginity … and this time to a bicycle. In the recent photo, the model was photographed being humped by a bicycle which many social media sympathizers found a bit disturbing!

Also Read: Naked Model Katrina Nilzero Causes Whooper Stampede On Social Media.

They claim the model should have at least lost her last possession, that is to say, secondary virginity - to a very fine sausage and not a bicycle frame.

Model Katrina is famous for her nudity behavior, which Howwe oglers have tolerated because she got fine body! However, her last possession being taken in such a way is a thing that is getting many murmur of what she will feel proud of on her body!

Also Read: Partners In Crime: Katrina Nilzero Defends Nakedness Queen Kleith Kyatuhaire

Thankfully, Jesus will be born tomorrow; we hope she finds her dressed!

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