Producer Daddy Andre was recently accused of sexual assault by an upcoming artiste known as Nadia Rania.

This forced the Ugandan Musician association (UMA) to intervene by summoning Daddy Andre to appear before the discplinary committee to explain himself.

And musician Karole Kasita who is one of Daddy Andre’s friends came out to defend him against the ongoing sexual harrasshment claims.

She informed Nadia that the music industry is full of men who ask for sex but it's up to female musicians to stand their ground and refuse. 

“He is not a bad person. This one thing can’t turn him into a horrible human being. There are several good things that he has done. Almost every female musician has faced such. Men beg for sex all the time but  we can't expose whoever  makes sex advances. It doesn’t make sense. What she has done isn’t good. It’s her right, however, such things cannot be revealed on TV. Such things should be reported to police,not media.I have personally had many encounters with men asking for my cookie but you don't run to media. You consult other established female musicians on how to handle the situation,” she said during an interview.

Daddy Andre and Karole Kasita have a song together titled, “Baby Papa”.  It was rumoured that the two were bonking