Pastor in arrested for sexual exploitation of underage girls

A 40-year-old pastor is in police custody following his arrest by the Police in Kiira Region, and Bugembe.

Pastor in arrested for sexual exploitation of underage girls
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A 40-year-old pastor is in police custody following his arrest by the Police in Kiira Region, and Bugembe.

The suspect has been identified as Pastor Masiga Robert of Christ the Answer Church. He is wanted on allegations of Aggravated Human Trafficking and Sexual exploitation of girls.
According to CP Fred Enanga the police spokesperson, officers in Buwenge became aware of the suspect, when a 17-year-old, female juvenile disclosed how he persuaded, induced and enticed her into having sex with him, which led to her pregnancy.  

They then conducted a raid on his churches at Buwenge and Tororo where a total of 33 victims were recovered from his home at Kyerinda village, Buwenge Town Council, in Jinja City, while an additional 20, were recovered from Tororo. 

Enanga says that three (3) adults were also re-united with their families, bringing the total number of victims to 54; all aged between 4 and 25.  

They comprised of 27 female juveniles, 04 female adults, 22 male juveniles and 01 male adults, who in close coordination with the Human Trafficking Institute have been handed over to respective shelter homes for better protection and counseling.

On further examination of the female victims, an additional 3 girl victims were found to be pregnant, bringing the total number to 4. They indicate that because the pastor was older and described himself as a pastor, a good Samaritan, guardian and father-figure they found it difficult and fearful to resist him.  He sexually abused them countless times.

Enanga added that the arrest of the suspect reflects the seriousness of these crimes and the trauma it causes the innocent girls and other victims.  

He says that police will ensure he is brought to justice, for sexually exploiting 4 young girls and impregnating them, and for the Aggravated Trafficking of Human beings.

He also urges all members of the public to take keen interest in their neighborhood, especially where children and other vulnerable persons are gathered for further care and support.  He called upon parents and guardians who hand over these vulnerable children to such self-styled orphanages and church ministry, to always make follow-up

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