Pressure in Go Forward Camp As Youths Defect to NRM

Ugandans are yet to decide on whom to vote, while others are being blinded by gifts including money and house hold properties into joining some parties.

Pressure in Go Forward Camp As Youths Defect to NRM
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With just 7 days (one week) to the polling date of 18th February 2016, many Ugandans are yet to decide on whom to vote, while others are being blinded by gifts including money and house hold properties into joining some parties.

The latest story we have received is of two top Go Forward troublesome youths who have played the game right from the start, and are yet to end it.

If it is for being rich, Issa Kato and a One Shakur should be extremely wealthy from these campaigns. It has paid for these two who have defected from NRM to Go Forward, and then back to NRM.

Oh, how confusing it must sound, but ask these two and you will know how beautiful it is to spend millions of money, you did not have to sweat for.

Wednesday February 10th 2016 was a great day full of celebrations as the two prodigal sons returned back home (NRM) at Kakiri grounds when NRM party candidate Museveni campaigned in the area.

These would later be joined by the leader of the Forum for Integrity and Leadership, Mr Emmanuel Tumusiime, who crossed to the NRM from the opposition and endorsed Museveni’s candidature.

Well, at the end of the day, the preacher and candidate Museveni had won hundreds of souls to his church (NRM party) after promising them;

Building the six-lane Entebbe Express highway, tarmacking Busega-Mpigi which will be six-lane, Kampala-Busunjju, Kampala-Bombo, Seeta-Namugongo-Wakiso and Mpigi-Nakawuka-Kisubi.

 Entebbe Airport is also to be expanded.

 “However, like the Basoga say 'Akange kakila akaife', it is important people work for their wealth. The government will support wealth creation plans through the wanainchi funds. NAADS will now get UGX1,000 billion up from UGX200b, the Youth Fund will get UGX234b, the same amount will go to the Women Fund while the Microfinance scheme will get UGX180 billion.

“And as you work to create wealth, fear God, avoid reckless sexual behavior and support the NRM.” Well with such a message, who wouldn’t defect?

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