Uganda’s best export to Tanzania, socialite Zari Hassan is back in town just a few months after giving birth to her fifth child fathered by Tanzanian singer Diamond Platinumz.

While appearing on NTV The Beat show hosted by Douglas Lwanga on today (Wednesday), the gorgeous former wife of South Africa based sangoma Ivan Semwanga revealed that she will always love Ivan despite being married to be making a comeback to Diamond Platinumz.

“Having been my husband for 10 years and the father of my children, he will always have a spot in my heart and I am sure that I also have a spot in his, however, I always let him do whatever he wants with his life because for a fact, we broke up and I do not need to be interfering with his life,” she said.

This response came after; Douglas asked her what she felt about the fact that Semwanga had reportedly bleached his skin.

Zari was appearing on the show ahead of her ‘Zari All White Party’ that will be taking place tomorrow (Thursday) at Club Guvnor

What do you think of Zari's statement? Should Diamond start getting worried about his future?