Music NUP Fans Angry At Mudra for accepting money from Museveni's camp The singer faced backlash from NUP supporters after inviting Museveni's aide, Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo, to his concert. Story by Howwe \ 1725218020
Music Bobi Wine Endorses Both Mudra and Acidic Vokoz Concerts Mudra's concert will take place at Zoe Grounds Lugogo, while Acidic Vokoz's concert will be held at Lugogo Cricket Oval. Story by Howwe \ 1725007510
Music Mudra Officially Joins NUP Ahead of His Concert Dancehall musician Mudra Da Viral has officially joined and registered as a member of the National Unity Platform (NUP). Story by Howwe \ 1725005745
Entertainment Mudra Refuses to Work with Alcohol Brands Due to His Religion As a devout Muslim, Mudra has strong faith and beliefs and couldn't accept sponsorship from alcohol brands. Story by Howwe \ 1724914928