News coming in from golden band is not good since one of their band members Carol Nantongo is currently in Mulago hospital after fainting abruptly while performing live on stage in Masaka during the weekend.

Our sources reveal, that while on stage something strange first happened to her before fainting. Apparently, her lips where sealed and she couldn’t which shocked her and led her to collapse. She was immediately rushed to Mulago- Masaka Referral Hospital where she is still feeding from tubes waiting for a miracle.

Although rumor has it that it could be witchcraft within the members of golden band, none of their bosses have come up to clear such rumors.

 Carol Nantongo is the new golden face of golden production and she has a collabo with Dr. Hilderman called “Ontuka” which has sold a million copies and many other songs.

Well, Howwe biz wishes you safe recovery.