I have never been tempted to sleep with female artists - Artin Pro

He has for almost a decade produced some of the biggest hit songs that rocked the nation.

I have never been tempted to sleep with female artists - Artin Pro
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Artin Pro is one of the best producers and sound engineers in Uganda.

He has for almost a decade produced some of the biggest hit songs that rocked the nation.

Also Read: Artin Pro Attacks Musicians Over Convid 19 Food Relief

With rising cases of producers asking for sex from female singers in production, the Axtra Nation boss has said he has never begged sex from any female singer for his services.

“I have never and I can’t because I respect my job. I can’t sleep with female artists, those are my customers," Artin said.

Fellow producer Daddy Andre was accused of sexual harassment by upcoming musicians several times.

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