Douglas Lwanga Attacks Miria Matembe over Raped Mubs Boy

The Purple party CEO said Miria Matembe and other feminists should  come out to offer legal support to the victim.

Douglas Lwanga Attacks Miria Matembe over Raped Mubs Boy
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Citizens' Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda (CCEDU) boss and former Ethics minister, Miria Matembe has been criticized by NBS presenter Douglas Lwanga for ignoring the boy child whenever their rights are violated.

He said Miria Matembe is always the first  person to react on matters concerning the female freedom but she fails to address issues concerning  the boy child.

He based on the recent allegations that a one Thelma, a Mubs student allegedly dragged and raped a fellow student at the Nakawa based University .

The Purple party CEO said Miria Matembe and other feminists should  come out to offer legal support to the victim.

"It beats my mind that people like Miria Matembe are silent whenever a boy child is affected, she quickly comes out only when it is the girl child complaining. Both sexes should be treated equally by the Civil societies," he said while hosting After 5 show on NBS TV.

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