Time for businesses to embrace ESG in their operations to ensure sustainability and save the planet

Does your business have a sustainability plan with respect to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles? If not, it’s time to come up with one.

Time for businesses to embrace ESG in their operations to ensure sustainability and save the planet
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Does your business have a sustainability plan with respect to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles? If not, it’s time to come up with one.

From business in the telecom sector to banking and from manufacturing to aviation, ESG is taking centre stage as the core of their operations to minimize carbon emissions and save the planet, and so is sustainability of businesses.

Currently, large businesses, especially those listed on stock markets such as MTN Uganda, have a responsibility to minimize or eliminate carbon emissions from their supply chain, operations and products and services. However, this trend is spreading to smaller businesses as consumers and investors, all alike, demand for products and services that adhere to Environmental, Sustainability and Governance principles.

We as MTN Uganda have already committed to these ESG principles. We believe that the growth and success of our business should not come at the expense of the future of our planet. For that, we have taken responsibility for our environmental impacts and manage the aspects within our control throughout our geographic footprint across Uganda.

For instance, in line with our eco-responsibility commitment, have since transitioned over 64% of our network sites to hydroelectricity and have adopted green solutions in our office premises and data centres; thereby reducing our carbon emissions (tCo2) by 4.4%. We recently had a test drive for a solar-powered vehicle with the hope that we should be able to slowly transition into clean energy for all our fleets. Our target is to achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

In line with sustainability, we believe that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life to help accelerate the realization of many United Nations Sustainable Development Goals such as education, decent work and economic growth and reduction in inequality. This is anchored on our Ambition 2025 strategy of leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress. We are committed to ensuring that there’s greater digital and financial inclusion in the communities through various initiatives including corporate social responsibility to transform our communities.

All these developments are done transparently for all the various stakeholders the consumers, investors, analysts, government and civil society organizations to give their verdict. As such, businesses small or big now have to integrate ESG in their policies, processes and governance in their operations to drive sustainable growth and deliver value to their customers and investors.

Businesses need to prioritize initiatives that create a big social impact in the communities in which they operate such as education, health, youth and women empowerment because an empowerment community facilitates growth and sustainable business operations.

Besides the social support, businesses need to put a lot of emphasis on economically empowering the population with a key focus on entrepreneurship and business development, financial inclusion and job creation while at the same time protecting the environment and minimizing the impact of climate change on the population.

Energy transition needs to be on the table for many businesses as this minimizes the amount of carbon emission into the atmosphere and so are the related negative effects to the population especially in matters of health, agriculture and infrastructure development among others.

In a nutshell, ESG principles need to be at the heart of every business with a well-articulated sustainability framework to drive shared economic value. Businesses have to improve the energy efficiencies in their operations, reduce greenhouse gases and improve water and waste management to make the world a better place to live. We all have to remember that it is a healthy population that makes businesses to be sustainable. Let us, therefore, do good for tomorrow, today.


Ali Monzer is the Chief Technical Information Officer at MTN Uganda

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