Health And Fitness Kabale Police Finally Arrests man who Chopped of Lover’s ears over Sex Police in Kabale have in custody a merciless man who reportedly chopped off his wife's ears for serving his vegetables to a neighbor in their marital bed. Story by Howwe Editor \ 1470137386
Health And Fitness Top 4 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Stock your pantry with these weight loss staples that help control hunger hormones for a flat belly and more energy Story by Mukama Evart \ 1469447868
Health And Fitness 6 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol You know that drinking even a little too much at the bar can make you feel tired and puffy the next day. Story by Mukama Evart \ 1468152962
Health And Fitness 5 Top Ways To Get Restored After A Food Binge Well, 6th July was the international Eid Mubarak day to end the 30 days of Moslem fasting, well such celebrations come with a lot of feats, invitations to dinners here and there and as we walk through the following day some individuals must be having a nasty beach of all sorts. Story by Gee Mukama \ 1467928455
Health And Fitness Common 8 Foods That Help In Fighting Cancer An anti-cancer diet is an important strategy you can use to reduce your risk of cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends, for example, that you eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and eat the right amount of food to stay at a healthy weight. Story by Gee Mukama \ 1460704192
Health And Fitness Women — Fruits To Avoid While Pregnant Many women had had miscarriages without knowing it could be due to the fruits that they consume during the early state of pregnancy. In this short post, I will be sharing with you some of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy as they affect the overall makeup of your baby. Story by Gee Mukama \ 1450253424
Health And Fitness 4 Foods You Should Not Keep In The Freezer In this article, you will see some food materials you should not freeze or even refrigerate. You will also get to know the reasons why you should not freeze them. Story by Gee Mukama \ 1449764525
Health And Fitness Eating Sausages and Processed Meat Causes Cancer UN health body says bacon, sausages and ham among most carcinogenic substances along with cigarettes, alcohol, asbestos and arsenic Story by Gee Mukama \ 1446021461
Health And Fitness Sausages Are As Bad As Smoking In Causing Cancer – W.H.O Eating processed meat can lead to bowel cancer in humans while red meat is a likely cause of the disease, World Health Organisation (WHO) experts said on Monday in findings that could sharpen debate over the merits of a meat-based diet. Story by Mukama Evart \ 1445940192
Health And Fitness Ladies! Four Effective Tips On How To Reduce Pot Belly Steps to reduce Your Pot Belly Story by Mukama Evart \ 1442845392
Health And Fitness What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Smoking. This Is What Happens To A Smoker Who Has Given Up Smoking Story by Mukama Evart \ 1441188139
Health And Fitness Find Out How "The Fattest Woman - 1000-Pound Mayra Rosales" Lost 800 Pounds The ‘Half Ton Killer:’ Mayra Rosales dubbed the Half Ton Killer is in the news again but this time for good reason. She posted her new look and latest pictures online showing that she finally lost around 800 pounds after suffering obesity. (PHOTO: Mayra Rosales/Facebook) Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1437981606