Female comedian Anne Kansiime landed yesterday in Malawi for her comedy show. The funny Kansiime Anne travelled with her management team including Cotilda a comedian who also doubles as her one of her script writers for her show due on Saturday at BICC.

Anne Kansiime wrote on her social media page expressing her excitement and much love for her Malawi fans saying;

“Oh what a day it has been in the warm heart of Africa! First we took a road trip to Salima then we had a chance to meet and motivate secondary school girls from the different schools around Salima district courtesy of Save the Children Malawi and finally we had lunch by the beach at the amazingly beautiful Lake Malawi. It's official I am in love again! I can't wait for Saturday at BICC so we can love ourselves properly!”

Anne Kansiime is one of the best comedians in Uganda who have made it internationally and has opened up opportunities for other comedians to travel in different countries.

Well, we will keep you updated!