Call her elegant, call her beautiful or call her chirpy; she is all of these. We are talking about the extremely gorgeous and immensely beautiful Miss Uganda Zahara Nakayiga.

On Oct. 15th -- at an event organized by Miss Uganda CEO Brenda Nanyonjo and held at Kampala Serena Hotel -- Zahara passed on all her duties and responsibilities to the newely crowned Miss Uganda, the gorgeous Leah Kagasa.

We share Zahara's moments on stage before she handed over the crown to the new winner. 

Zahara sat at the table of former Miss Uganda beauties including former BBA Hotshots rep. Stellah (Ellah) Nantumbwe and Leah Kalanguka.

She was then called to grace the stage as the reigning Miss Uganda before crowning a new winner.

... and then the new queen.