I crush on Fik Fameica - Martha Mukisa 

For a star of his caliber, it would be very okay for artists to get attracted to him.

I crush on Fik Fameica - Martha Mukisa 
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Fik Fameica has inspired several musicians due to his music and his dress code.

For a star of his calibre, it would be very okay for artists to get attracted to him.

Musician Martha Mukisa confessed to Galaxy FM presenter Florah that she is obsessed with Fik Fameica’s music plus his looks, a reason she crushes on him. 

“I like his music but I am obsessed with him. I have a crush on him,” Martha Mukisa said. 

Martha Mukisa was one of the artists that performed at Fik Fameica’s concert that sold out at Hotel Africana on Friday.

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