Sitya Loss dancer, Patricia Nabakooza has yet another 'Thank-You' message for her fans and everybody that prayed for her while she fought for her life at Case Clinic following a fatal accident that led to the death of her colleague Alex Ssempijja.

Patricia sends an awe-inspiring message and says she will be discharged today.

"But what I have to tell you is that I love you and that I think tomorrow I will be leaving the hospital and I will be getting back home. Yes, thank you for your prayers".

Also Read: Patricia Hasn't Been Told Alex is Dead ... But she's asking Questions!

We haven't received confirmation, yet, on whether Patricia has been told about Alex's death but according to a statement from Mrs. Tashobya Nsubuga, the Case Clinic PRO, she was going to be told after her condition got much better.

Watch the video!