
King Oyo Celebrates 21 Years on the Throne

Tooro kingdom celebrates 21st coronation anniversary of King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru

King Oyo Celebrates 21 Years on the Throne
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The kingdom of Toro is celebrating the 21st coronation anniversary of King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukiidi the 4th at the palace in Karuzika, Fort Portal, Kabarole district.

The celebrations are locally known as empango. King Oyo took over as the Tooro leader when he was just three years old, following the death of his father in 1995.

The celebrations were preceded by a thanksgiving service at St . John's Cathedral Kabarole. 

The event was graced by delegations from Buganda, Bunyoro and other cultural institutions. Notable was also Erias Lukwago, the Lord Mayor Kampala.

President Museveni was represented by Kirunda Kivenjinja,  the second deputy prime minister and Minister of East African Affairs.


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