Bebe Cool At 40yrs Still Renting, Mikie Wine At 26yrs Has A House — Firebase Army

Firebase Army has attacked Gagamel Boss claiming that he is a disgrace in the music industry who is still claims to be number one but ends up renting unlike faded artists

Bebe Cool At 40yrs Still Renting, Mikie Wine At 26yrs Has A House — Firebase Army
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Firebase army seems to be the Champions when it comes to social media dominance. These boys over the weekend attacked their rival camp Gagamel Phamily with very stingy comments to their boss, Bebe Cool.

Bobi Wine’s fans mocked singer Bebe Cool aka ‘Katala’ as they always call him that he should use Tubonge Naawe Money to finish his house. These comments came after Bobi’s young brother; Mikie Wine unveiled his new house

Meanwhile, Bebe is being mocked at for continuously for producing continuously and renting in ‘mizigo’ but forgets to save little money to build his own house despite claiming to be a music powerhouse and a person who makes a video worth 200million shillings.

Stubborn Firebase fans have gone ahead to come up with Bebe Cool’s situation ever since he started Music and Mikie’s Wine who is a struggling artist. Check photo

What do you think of this beef between Gagamel and Firebase? Are they right?

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