Men must pay UGX 750k before going on a date with girls - Sheilah Gashumba

 She encourages women to prioritize their financial well-being and not allow themselves to be taken advantage of by those who don't value their time and effort.

Men must pay UGX 750k before going on a date with girls - Sheilah Gashumba
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City party animal Sheilah Gashumba has some wise advice for young women when it comes to dating.

She believes that women should be mindful of the financial burdens they often bear when preparing for dates, while men often get off the hook with minimal effort.

Sheilah argues that it's unfair for women to invest their hard-earned money in grooming, outfits, and other preparations for a date, only to end up with a simple meal and no reciprocation from their date. She points out that men, on the other hand, can enhance their appearance with a simple haircut and still be considered presentable.

Sheilah suggests that women set a budget for dating expenses and avoid overspending. She recommends allocating around $200 (UGX 750,000=) for grooming, clothing, and other preparations, ensuring they don't drain their accounts for a single date.

Gashumba's primary concern is that women should not be left financially depleted after a date, especially when their date hasn't made a comparable investment.

 She encourages women to prioritize their financial well-being and not allow themselves to be taken advantage of by those who don't value their time and effort.

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