I Created Empele Festival to Make More Money – Crysto Panda

He explained that the shows didn’t generate enough income to sustain him, prompting him to pursue something bigger and more profitable.

I Created Empele Festival to Make More Money – Crysto Panda
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Crysto Panda, known for hosting teen shows around town, revealed that these events were not financially rewarding.

He explained that the shows didn’t generate enough income to sustain him, prompting him to pursue something bigger and more profitable.

"Teen shows often don’t bring in much money, and as you grow, responsibilities start to pile up. So, I decided to create Empele, knowing it would lead to something bigger," he shared during an interview with a local television station.

Crysto Panda also highlighted his desire to celebrate dance and street culture through the festival.

"With Empele, I had a vision to celebrate dance and street life, which is how the Empele Festival came to be," he explained.

The Empele Festival is held annually on January 1st at Buloba Forest Park. It has been a success over the past two years.

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