30 Arrested for trespassing in Kalangala District

30 people have been arrested from Gunga Landing site in Mazinga Sub County in Kalangala district by the Fisheries Protection Unit for trespassing.  

30 Arrested for trespassing in Kalangala District
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30 people have been arrested from Gunga Landing site in Mazinga Sub County in Kalangala district by the Fisheries Protection Unit for trespassing.  

The suspects who were picked up on Tuesday for allegedly operating outside their jurisdiction and lack of proper identification documents were initially working for Tycoon, Richard Kimera in Bukakata Sub County before they fled and resettled at Gunga landing site.  

Officers from the Fisheries Protection Unit picked up the suspects on a tip off from the Gunga LC 1 chairperson, Swaib Kalema, and locked them up at the UPDF Marines detention center at Mwena landing site in Kalangala town council pending their transfer Kalangala central police station for prosecution.  

According to Ivan Tenywa, the Officer in Charge of Kalangala Central Police Station, the group wasn't found with any fishing gear.

He however could not comment further, as he wasn't conversant with the facts of the matter since the arrest was conducted by the UPDF Fisheries Protection Unit, while Nathan Abaho, the officer in charge of the UPDF marine operations in Kalangala District declined to comment on the matter.

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