Museveni Intervenes To Save King Oyo From Being Ousted Prince Kijanangoma

Oyo is also blamed for spending the better part of his time enjoying himself in Kampala instead of leading his subjects in poverty eradication schemes

Museveni Intervenes To Save King Oyo From Being Ousted Prince Kijanangoma
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President Museveni has said a tribunal composed of various leaders known to be neutral in the Tooro Kingdom conflict should be appointed to help resolve the issues dividing the kingdom.

“I propose that you appoint a tribunal of religious leaders who are known to be neutral in this matter. You should utilize the talent of talking and listening to others and to each other,” he cautioned following a heated meeting that he called to try and resolve the conflict.

Museveni’s proposal was unanimously supported by the Tooro Kingdom stakeholders who immediately appointed Bishop Robert Muhiirwa of the Fort Portal Diocese (Catholic Church), Bishop Reuben Kisembo of Rwenzori Diocese (C.O.U.) and Bishop Jimmy Katuramu of the Pentecostal churches.

The regional Kadhi Sheikh Habib Monday who is also an advisor to the Mufti of Uganda Sheik Shaban Mubajje was also appointed as a member of the tribunal.

Prince David Kijanangoma recently declared plans to oust King Oyo Nyimba on grounds of mismanaging the monarchy’s assets and allowing the Queen Mother Best Kemigisha to run the kingdom affairs.

Oyo is also blamed for spending the better part of his time enjoying himself in Kampala instead of leading his subjects in poverty eradication schemes

[h/t: Chimp reports]

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