Following Pallaso 'F**k Wizkid' quote and apparently standing for Chameleone... in the same post, the last mentioned wasn't happy about it and he replied with a contradiciting comment asking Pallaso to mind his own business.

You can about the full story about how this feud started here >>

Hahahaha ...never stand for a hypocrite or any body that wont stand behind you !!! Tonight I stood for my country the industry and every artist that hates being belittled by foreign artists and simple minds didnt see the big picture !!! I dont care how small i might appear to you but I am perfectly comfortable with how ever way ya look at me !!! Pick a leaf !!! Tonight I learn one thing ,,, Care about who cares and forget the forgetful !!! ###KyokaBanayuganda

Also Read : Pallaso, Mind Your Own Business And Look For Fame From Some Else Not Me — Jose Chameleone.

Also Read : F**K Wizkid — Pallaso

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