Maurice Kirya To Open Sound Cup In Naalya

Maurice confirmed to us that he is now ready for serious business after taking a break to make consultations from people who have been in business for a long time.

Maurice Kirya To Open Sound Cup In Naalya
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On 17 February next week, Maurice Kirya will re-open up his once loved Sound cup business. He refused to disclose the exact location where the restaurant will be located. In a brief conversation with him, Maurice confirmed to us that he is now ready for serious business after taking a break to make consultations from people who have been in business for a long time.

He further revealed that Jemimah Kyazze, his ex-girlfriend and daughter to pastor Kyazze will be his manager

“Me and Her, we have had a very good working relationship. Apart from being very good friends, we both love Sound cup, we agreed to revive it and she will be the manager” Maurice said.

We don’t know how Pastor Kyazze will react to the news considering his bad relationship with the singer. One time, it was believed that Jemimah’s Dad and family warned their Jemimah off the singer.

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