Mc Kats appeals to Winnie Byanyima, AIDS Commission to help Faith battling HIV/AIDS

Mc Kats appeals to Winnie Byanyima and the AIDS Commission to assist Faith in her battle against HIV/AIDS.

Mc Kats appeals to Winnie Byanyima, AIDS Commission to help Faith battling HIV/AIDS
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Mc Kats appeals to Winnie Byanyima and the AIDS Commission to assist Faith in her battle against HIV/AIDS.

In 2020, Faith gained attention on social media after she posted a video bragging about her involvement with Mc Kats, who had recently disclosed his HIV-positive status. Now, three years later, Faith is in a critical condition and urgently requires help and care.

In light of allegations that Mc Kats transmitted the virus to Faith, the media personality has taken it upon himself to provide support to her, along with the AIDS Commission.

"For years, countless questions have haunted my mind since I tested HIV-positive: who, when, and why? However, dwelling on these questions cannot alter or change anything. If anyone has been in contact with Faith, please direct message me. Blaming others never heals or resolves anything. I appeal to the AIDS Commission, Uganetlaw, the Ministry of Health Uganda, and Winnie Byanyima to join me in supporting Faith."

He posted this heartfelt message on Facebook, reaching out to AIDS agencies and the Ministry of Health, seeking their assistance in aiding Faith.

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